Rodgers InSpire 343
This beautiful new Rodgers InSpire 343 was delivered to Miguel Monast,
Beeton, Ontario in September 2019.

Johannus LiVE III for McGill University
Church Organs of Ontario is pleased to announce the installation of a Johannus LiVE III for Schulich School of Music at McGill University. The Johannus LiVE III is used daily as a practice instrument by the undergraduate organ students. The Johannus Live III was supplied with sample sets of five historic organs chosen by the organ department faculty: The Silbermann organ at the Hofkirche in Dresden, the Schnitger organ at the Ludgeri Kirche in Norden, the Cavaille-Coll in the Eglise Notre-Dame d’Auteuil in Paris, the Sauer organ from the Michaeliskirche in Leipzig, and the Schnitger organ from the Der Aa-kerk in Groningen. Each of the 5 virtual organs can be selected with a touch of a button. Above each drawknob is a small e-ink display that shows the name and pitch of each stop of the virtual organ selected. The onboard USB port allows the students to download and upload their own combination action memories via their own USB thumbdrive.
Ecclesia T-370 for St John’s Anglican Church, Willowdale
After researching various organs by other manufacturers, the organ committee of St. John’s Anglican Church proposed to the vestry that church’s previous organ (approximately 50 years old) be replaced with a new Johannus Ecclesia T-370. The organ’s audio system was customized by the Johannus factory for a divided chancel arrangement. The Great, Swell, and Pedal divisions utilize the 8.1 audio system installed in the loft on the east side of the chancel opposite the organ. The Choir division utilizes a 2.1 audio system installed on the west side of the chancel, above and behind the organ. This arrangement results in an even, balanced distribution of sound throughout the nave, which seats approximately 300 people.
Church Organs of Ontario would like to thank DeHoog Piano Movers and Arie Vandenberg for their assistance in installing the new organ, William Maddox for assisting with the tonal finishing, as well as the rectors, wardens, and organ committee of St. John’s Anglican Church, Willowdale for the opportunity to provide a very successful installation.
Inspire 233 for Church of the Redeemer (Anglican)
A new Rodgers Inspire 233 was recently installed at Church of the Redeemer (Anglican) in Rosseau, Ontario. The purchase of the new organ was made possible through the generosity of a life-long member of the parish, in memory of her late husband. The new organ, built by Rodgers Instruments in Hillsboro, Oregon USA, is among the first Inspire models installed in a church in Canada.
Church of the Redeemer was founded in 1871. The construction of the present building was completed in 1873. The small, intimate church seats approximately 100 people.
Rosseau, Ontario, situated on the north shore of Lake Rosseau, is a small community in the Parry Sound District of Ontario. Rosseau is a tourist area, with many people visiting in the summer months to enjoy the scenery, shop for arts and crafts, or stop at its historic buildings. The Parry Sound District, along with the neighboring Muskoka and Haliburtion regions are considered part of Ontario’s “cottage country” region. Rosseau is also the summer destination for well known celebrities including Martin Short, Justin Bieber, Kate Hudson, and Hollywood couple Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.
Church Organs of Ontario would like to acknowledge the donor, rector, and wardens of Church of the Redeemer, as well as the organist, John Aiken, and veteran organ technician Arie Vandenberg, for their assistance with the installation.
Artist 579 for Trinity United Church in London, Ontario
After the previous Rodgers organ suffered a direct lightning strike in December 2016, Trinity United Church chose a new Rodgers Artist 579 after investigating other church organ companies. The previous instrument, a Rodgers Cambridge 730, had faithfully served the church for over 30 years. With this in mind, the organ committee confidently and unanimously chose a new Rodgers organ. The multi-channel audio system, consisting of a total of 8 full-range speakers (two per channel) and two subwoofers, as well as antiphonal full-range speakers, effortless fill the sanctuary with natural, pipe organ like sound.
Rodgers Classic Series 505 – All Saints Anglican Church, Mount Pleasant, Ontario
After struggling for several months with their previous instrument which required several service calls in a short time, All Saints Anglican Church purchased a pre-owned, refurbished Rodgers Classic Series 505 with two external speaker cabinets for their small, intimate country church. The organ was installed in time for the church’s annual Carol Service and Evensong in early December 2017. After the service, organist Ian Clark was asked: “Where are the pipes?”
Artist 579 for St. Michael’s Anglican Church, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
In the spring of 2016, a committee was formed to search out for a new organ to replacing the ailing electronic organ of over 30 years of age. The technology of the old organ was long out-dated and while the organ had served well for many years, it was not feasible to continue on with repairs. After a careful investigation of a number of different brands of organs, the committee chose the Rodgers Artist Series model 579. A multi-channel audio system installed at the front of the church supports the liturgy for both choir and congregation.
An antiphonal audio system provides the room with surround ambience, discreet enough to feel natural, but effective in creating a rich and inviting sound within the sanctuary. The antiphonal system also provides additional music flexibility by enhancing processionals, or organ voluntaries. Through Rodgers’ Audio Map system, the organist is able to select individual divisions of the organ to sound from the rear of the church.

Johannus Opus 370, Dr. I. Gallimore residence, Toronto, Ontario
After struggling for several years with a home-built “virtual organ”
solution and ready for a turnkey solution, Dr. Gallimore chose a Johannus
Opus 370 for his home music studio. Recognizing the Johannus name, he
purchased the Opus 370 sight unseen. In a recent email, he communicated to
us: “I love, Love, LOVE THE ORGAN!”

Rodgers Infinity 243 – Private Residence, Owen Sound, Ontario