Inspire 343

Rodgers is proud to present the next generation of home and church organs from our Inspire Series. Born from the dream of enhancing spiritual experiences at churches all over the world… Born from the dream of homes lled with exquisite musical sounds… Born from the dream of bringing this experience within reach of anyone… All created because we believe in that dream.

The Inspire Series 343 has a total of 233 voices spread of 43 illuminated stop tabs, a variant library and 18 orchestral selections. Equipped with three velocity-sensitive manuals, a 32-note ago pedal board and an internal 2.1 audio system with the option of expanding to a 6.2 plus 2-channel antiphonal external audio system, the Inspire Series 343 is a state-of-the-art church and concert organ with unending flexibility.

In addition to the standard stoplist – American Eclectic – stops can be selected from the English Cathedral, French Romantic and German Baroque styles. The Variant Library consists of extra stops to choose as desired. The organist is not limited to stops from only one style; all are available instantly. For those who appreciate a large variety of sounds the Inspire 343 is an ideal choice.

In addition to the standard stoplist – American Eclectic – stops can be selected from the English Cathedral, French Romantic and German Baroque styles. The Variant Library consists of extra stops to choose as desired. The organist is not limited to stops from only one style; all are available instantly. For those who appreciate a large variety of sounds the Inspire 343 is an ideal choice.

Improved Real-Time Flexibility

One of the main innovations introduced by Rodgers is the Voice Palette™ system. The organs in the Inspire Series are equipped with a standard stop list and also feature three alternative styles or sample banks. The standard stop list – American Eclectic – is shown on the organs’ tab stops. The other available styles are English Cathedral, French Romantic and German Baroque. In addition, a Variant Library has been added with extra voices, which the player is free to select. These four styles and the Variant Library include only the highest quality pipe organ sounds.


Create Your Own Stop List

The entire stoplist of one of these styles can be selected, or voices from various styles can be combined. For example, you can select a Principal 8 from the American Eclectic style, a Prestant 4 from the French Romantic style, a Fifteenth 2 from the English Cathedral style, and Mixtur IV from the German Baroque style. You can combine all these styles to create your own unique stop list.


Artistic Freedom

Sitting at the keyboards of the Inspire Series gives the organist’s music a personal signature. We believe that inspiration can really only run wild with free rein, and that’s ultimately why the Inspire Series was designed. Get Inspired.